The first working day of 2022 started well. We were informed that the Joint Venture JÄGER – ÖSTU-STETTIN should be contracted with the construction project mentioned above.
In the meantime we have received the written contract and the JV is already busy with the work preparation, because the execution on site will start at the end of March 2022.
The project "Sicherung der Innsbrucker Trinkwasserversorgung Mühlauer Quelle” contains, on one hand the refurbishment of the Mühlauer spring (drinking water tunnel) and on the other hand the development of additional drinking water to cover future water requirements for the replacement or emergency water supply of Innsbruck. For this purpose, a new tunnel system with a total length of approx. 1,000 m will be excavated, which will get connected to the existing Rumer tunnel and collection tunnel.
With this order the JV JÄGER – ÖSTU-STETTIN is making an important contribution to covering future water requirements in Innsbruck.